Cockers-Worldwide Pedigree Database search
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Photo Pedigree of your dog
  • For $5* you can add permanently one photo with a link and email to your dog's pedigree pages.
    See these examples: [PEDIGREE w/ LINKS] [PEDIGREE w/o LINKS].
  • We reserve the right of final approval and the right to refuse any advertisement.
  • Please do not copy photos off websites without permission.

* Plus processing fee. All amount in Canadian dollars.

Cockers-Worldwide Pedigree Database search Send photo(s) and/or your email + your website link (if desired) and complete instruction to:

Cockers-Worldwide Pedigree Database search Make payment via PayPal. You will receive an email of confirmation of payment by Paypal.

Cockers-Worldwide Pedigree Database search When possible, photo will be crop to show only the dog. The final photo will be around 600 pixels (width) by 500 pixels (height)

This is really simple and this will help keep this website and service alive and help to pay for the hosting, server, domain name, extra space, etc. while providing you photos of your favorites. Here is how you can help:

Pedigree Photo(s)
Additional information
Example below: [PEDIGREE w/ LINKS] and [PEDIGREE w/o LINKS]

Photo Pedigree w/ LINKS Photo Pedigree w/o LINKS